Welcome to Care4Jets, in this page you will find different ways to present yourself to our team and, more importantly, to the prospective employers.
Always remember that there is no second chance to make a first good impression.
Try, as much as possible, to follow the commonly used rules when creating a CV:
• Keep your curriculum vitae simple. Your curriculum vitae must be concise. Your curriculum vitae must be easy to read. Your curriculum vitae must sell you. And your curriculum vitae must be tailored to what the reader is looking for.
• This means that your curriculum vitae must be presented professionally, clearly, and in a way that indicates you are an ideal candidate for the job, i.e., you possess the right skills, experience, behavior, attitude, morality that the employer is seeking. The way you present your CV effectively demonstrates your ability to communicate, and particularly to explain a professional business proposition.
• Put yourself in the shoes of the employer: write down a description of the person they are looking for. You can now use this as a blue-print for your CV. The better the match the more likely you are to be called for an interview.
• If you find it difficult to match your own CV description to the requirements of the role, then perhaps the role isn't for you. There's little or no point distorting or falsifying yourself in order to get a job. If you falsify yourself in your CV you'll be unlikely to provide the necessary proof of your claims at interview, and even if you manage to do this and to get the job, then you'll not be able to do the job enjoyably without stress.
• CV´s should fill no more than 2 or 3 pages
• Put your name at the top of the front page with your contact details directly underneath, include your mobile number and email address for contact.
• Use bullet points.
• Put the most important information first.
• Always keep a positive attitude.
• Keep the CV updated.